
Custom Greetings
Create a custom greeting or message to provide the perfect touch to your special occasion. This image or video will be displayed on the large television onboard your party bus. First, pick an image or video from the list below. The prefix S denotes a still frame while V denotes a looping video. Next, notify us of the desired image or video to be displayed as well as the custom message to be included.
Video Greetings:$40.00
Still Frame Greeting:$30.00

Create a special message for your bachelorette party! Notify us of the Bachelorette's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your bachelorette party! Notify us of the Bachelorette's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your bachelorette party! Notify us of the Bachelorette's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your bachelor party! Notify us of the Bachelor's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your bachelor party! Notify us of the Bachelor's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your bachelor party! Notify us of the Bachelor's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your wedding! Notify us of the Newlyweds name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your wedding! Notify us of the Newlyweds name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your wedding! Notify us of the Newlyweds name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for any occasion! Notify us of the specific event and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for any occasion! Notify us of the specific event and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special message for any occasion! Notify us of the specific event and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special video message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special video message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special video message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.

Create a special video message for your Birthday! Notify us of the Birthday person's name and we will add it to the image above. This message will be displayed on the large screen television for all to see.